The municipality of Krailling continues to rely on income from the sale of sports fields, and in the medium term also from the trade tax paid by companies that settle there. The municipality has now formulated conditions for companies that want to purchase land on the KIM sports field.

Buyers must also undertake to submit a building application within 18 months of signing the purchase contract and to complete a building for their own business within five years. Anyone who builds on the sports field and then wants to rent it out may only do so with the consent of the municipality to tenants or leaseholders who also accept the conditions set. The expression of interest process, which runs until June 3rd this year, is open to all interested parties. If the municipality received this price for the entire area, it could probably generate a good eight million euros from the purchase price. Whoever offers more gets plus points, whoever offers less gets minus points. The criteria together make up three quarters of the overall rating. What is of interest to the community is how much trade tax was paid between 2017 and 2021.