Sexologist Michaela Southby and relationship expert Emma Paul talk about the intimacy that has disappeared from her long-term relationship. The weekly date must be set, just like you set a time for other meetings.

Intimacy can fade in any relationship unless it is addressed. A deep emotional connection will sustain you through the highs and lows. "Marriage is not a spark killer," says Southby. "It is very important that you set the weekly high as a goal, justlike the gym, because this date is even more important" "Make time for each other," Michael recommended, "just like you make sure to go to the gym. You will easily cancel the date with your partner. It's bad". "Intimacy in marriage can be created with sharing, curiosity and many other small things that have nothing to do with sex, although / that they will eventually affect him, as well as the absence of these things" says Paul. "In the beginning, intimacy may be about discovery and excitement, while over time, it's about a deep connection More, shared memories, even vulnerability"