Consumer Price Index of 11% in March, with core inflation at 9.4%, paves the way for April to become the month in which the record is in single digits. With the dollar as an anchor, inflation has been falling month by month since January.

But the strong increases in public services in April threaten to break that trend. The slowdown in mass consumption will serve to counteract the rise in services, the private sector predicts. the Libertad y Progreso Foundation, the survey for the first week of April showed that the retail price index grew by 10.2% monthly. The data from the survey of retail prices by the consulting firm C&T for the GBA region show "a strong impact of the adjustments in gas and water service but an important moderation in the vast majority of the rest of the items, including food and beverages, which are key in core inflation," says Eugenio Marí, Chief Economist of the Foundation. In March, the food item rose 10.5%, below the 11.9% in February.