Yann Mambrini is a research director at the CNRS. He is a specialist in the physics of the primordial Universe.

He explains the tension between the two values found for the Hubble constant. He suggests that the value deduced from the CMB is slightly underestimated because it would miss a phenomenon. The most attractive theoretical avenue is that of early dark energy. He also discusses the theory of dark matter, which he says could help explain the origin of the universe’s dark energy. The full interview will be published in The Astrophysics of the Big Bang, by Albin Michel and Yann Mambrini, on November 6th, at 10.30am GMT. For more information, go to: http://www.astrophysics-of-the-big-bang.org/blog/2013/11/07/the-dark-energy-of-the-big-bang-by-yann-mambrini.html.