Malka Tosia, who was documented in the docu-series "Prisoners," passed away at the age of 30 near the central station in Tel Aviv when she was homeless and sick. Tusia was buried yesterday in the cemetery in Tiberias.

The series followed four female inmates in Neve Tirzah prison who were born into a violent family and whose life led them - almost without a choice - to a fate of drugs, violence, and imprisonment. The initiator and creator of the series, Osherit Nevra, paid tribute to her in an emotional post on Facebook: "Writing in tears. That's it. The short and painful days of Malka Tusia's life are over and done with. Transparent even in her death, Malka was honored to be buried next to her mother in the Cemetery in TIBERIA. A child born to a lost life, to a dysfunctional family unit, to an unsafe home, to unsafe parenting, who grew up to be so smart and kind and compassionate, and then died alone in the street at the central station, sick and exhausted."