Actress Gili Itzkovich was in Los Angeles for the first five weeks of the war. She was cut off from the news in Israel and had no access to the three "hooks" - Walla, Wint, WhatsApp.

"I find myself in a phone store with an American Jewish salesman, and we are both crying our lives out in the middle of the store," she says. Immediately upon her return to Israel she enlisted in the reserves in the Technology and Maintenance Corps (formerly the Armed Forces Corps), where she also served as a regular officer. "People in BCOM refuse to come to the army because they don't understand the importance of the armed forces," says ItZkovich. "So I enlisted to do something between public relations and people and between the public and the army," says the actress and director of the movie "Air Combat" "We returned a tank four times, four times a tank. We multiply power, we multiply power," she adds.