Massimo Zedda is a candidate for mayor of Cagliari for the same broad field that brought Alessandra Todde to the leadership of Sardinia. He does not close the door to anyone, whether they are representatives of the parties of Renzi, Calenda, Bonino, or Renato Soru.

The discussion is still open, the dialogue continues, but the breadth of the opening is hindered by the M5s, which has already clarified its position based on coherence and reiterated by Michele Ciusa. The idea of the wide field must also be pursued in CagLIari, and we are moving in coherence, says Tod de. "We don't change the team that wins, our coalition is strong and cohesive and above all, it has a project and foundations," says Zedda. "I maintain excellent relations with him, both personal and political discussions do not stop, and if today I can speak to him with serenity it is because we have clarified our position."