Arturo Zaldvar is the former president of the Supreme Court. He is now on the team of the official candidate, Claudia Sheinbaum.

During his time in the court, he left some grudges, as a politician he lacks skill, they say. The matter has been politicized, yes, by people and others, but perhaps it has not arisen with the intention of undermining the campaign, and the experts consulted maintain that, in any case, it will not affect much. The issue, in some way, was raining in wet because many were already suggesting that the retired minister had been a kind of legal arm to carry out some measures of Andres Manuel López Obrador. But the complaint magnified everything, says constitutional lawyer Melissa Ayala. It is nothing more than a hurricane in a glass of water, says jurist Javier Martn, from UNAM. It has been leaked to the media, and soon, high-profile names related to the Government and judicial tricks came to light to pressure judges. The timing of the complaint has not been the best; in the middle of the pre-electoral process, they are always weapons for the adversary, Melissa Ayala says. His own departure from the Supreme Court was something unprecedented, without having concluded his mandate as dictated by the Constitution. "If there is something that characterizes Pia, it is caution. He is prudent and prefers to take a while to say something inappropriate, the statement itself is," Ayala says. The incessant beating of the President of the Republic in this six-year term against "the caste" and the "Supreme Conservative Power, corrupt and rotten," is crowned with this crisis, when the judicial reform is still to be resolved in the legislative sphere. Now another front is opening: can retired ministers also be prosecuted, as is the case in the case of Zaldvar. The face of these judicial reforms in Sheinbaum's team is Zaldsvar, and some even suspect that he could be pending to preside over the Council if necessary.