The key to success is in establishing and assimilating habits. Proper management of the willpower and self-discipline we have is focusing on one goal for about 21 days on average until it becomes a habit and freeing up the forces we have to promote the next habit.

A high ROI (return on investment) will be expressed in strengthening personal resilience, enriching the tools and skills necessary for success, and in organizations, strengthening belonging and organizational connectedness. With the right focus, even with fewer resources, it is possible to win. Borrowing from the well-known song, "If our mind is busy and our sleep is ruined - still with the strength of will and concentration left in us - we will judge!" We will focus on four central tips, in the spirit of the four sons from the Haggadah, which represent different aspects of the human soul. In today's era, it is better to work in flexible stages and optimize decision-making on the fly, instead of investing in a detailed and large plan, which may become irrelevant later on. Einstein also said that genius is simple - the secret of success is 10% talent and 90% perseverance. The mind prefers the familiar and avoids the different, sending us evil questions - "What is this job for you?". That is why we will shake before she goes on stage, even if we have always dreamed of her, and we will take tests on a prestigious route that we worked hard to be accepted. The brain, on its part, interprets our fears and anxieties as if this is not in our best interest and will try to rescue us from them, starting with the weakening of motivation and ending with a real change. The smart recommendation in this situation is verifying the boundaries of the sector and getting backup from superiors. In light of this, we have built a systematic process with achievable goals that the employee must meet in the near future.