Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) is caused by the TBE viruses. TBE is an inflammatory disease of the brain, meninges, or spinal cord.

Doctors can only treat the symptoms of TBE. However, there is no vaccination against TBE. The bacterial infection can be easily treated with antibiotics. Anyone who discovers a tick on an area of skin should act quickly. The animals can transmit diseases and should be removed from the skin immediately. The longer the tick has the opportunity to suck blood, the more likely it is that the bacteria will be transmitted. The first sign of a possible Lyme disease infection is usually a red circle that forms on the skin around the puncture site. The best way to do this is to use pointed tweezers or a special tick card. Grab the tick as close to the surface of the skin as possible so that you can pull out all parts of the tick's body. If the head gets stuck in the skin, see a doctor immediately.