Marion Giebel is best known as a renowned classical philologist and translator in the field of ancient Greco-Roman literature. She was born in Frankfurt, but spent her early childhood in Vienna.

Her parents moved there with her after it looked as if her father might get into trouble with the Gestapo. He had regularly shopped for a Jewish neighbor who, strangely enough, had not known about her Jewish roots before the Nazi era began. She has given many lectures – including in Pullach, where she lives. As a rule, they went back to antiquity. She told around 30 visitors about her own growing up. The headline of her remarks: "With the teddy bear into the air raid shelter”. In doing so, she brought back some of those present's own memories. The author visited again a few years ago with her children. It still stands. "The gasworks has become the Gasometer, a mix of event venues and apartments."