The Israeli response to the Iranian missile attack is an unprecedented technological and military achievement on a global scale. Some of the secret projects were approved and received the necessary funding to start long-term processes.

The elements of attack and defense also arouse interest among Russian scientists, who are constantly looking for the way to look for openings and weaknesses in the walls of the West. "We mustn't forget that some of the projects we see today and deal with the Iranian mind, started somewhere in the early 1990s in the US Star Wars program," said a senior official in the defense establishment. "Already now it can be said that there are no equals in the world," said the official in charge of Mapat, the Administration for Research, Development of Weapons and Technological Infrastructure. The Iranian attack, although it remains threatening and terrifying in its scope, failed miserably and this too with the help of a coalition broad, said the IDF's chief of staff, Gadi Eisenkopf. The data presented by the Wall Directorate are very impressive in the framework of the war of the past, he said.