The Supreme Court hired Héctor Martnez Sosa between 2020 and 2023 as an intermediary for Nación Seguros insurance. The report specified that the brokers took nearly $17 million in commissions for intermediating between a publicly owned company and state agencies.

Justice believes that the broker that received the most money, Bachellier SA, is related to him. The judicial audit also indicates that his company was the second most benefited by public sector intermediation contracts and that his wife, Mara Cantero, has been Alberto Fernández's private secretary since the '90s. The highest court flatly denies this information and says that there is no contract with the indicated broker. The details of the commissions arise from the audit of February of this year that was incorporated into the judicial case that investigates possible crimes in the granting of contracts to intermediaries between public organizations and the Banco Nació Seguro's company, which from 2020 remained the only company that could provide insurance to the public sector. A total of $3,213,341,098 was paid in commissions to intermediaries between the State and insurers. The broker linked to Fernández received commissions for 366,635,744 pesos from 19 State agencies. Among the most representative sums is the National Gendarmerie, which hired him since 2021 for a total of 254,091,184 pesos. The list of organizations that hired this broker is broader. It includes the Federal Police ($23,610,992.992), National Highway Directorate ($10,450,624.24), and Corredores Viales SA ($30,260,148.148). The initial fact of the case stipulates a temporality from 2019 to 2021. Now, the case investigates all contracts under these characteristics that were signed with Nación Seguros SA with the use of intermediaries. This means that the time window covers the entire Fernández presidency. The initial hypothesis maintains that the structure set up for the operations under investigation is much broader.