Since Friday, April 5th, 25 degrees or more have been measured every day in Germany. On Saturday (April 6th) people in Germany were able to enjoy the warmest day of the year - a record month is ahead.

The coming weekend will bring up to 25 or 26 degrees in the center and south. In the south and southwest in particular will benefit from a lot of sun, maximum of 16 degrees are forecast for the coming weekend. Even lower temperatures are likely on Sunday and Tuesday, with renewed showers and even snow at high altitudes (WDD) For the German Weather Service (WDW) there is no end in sight to the summer temperatures, says weather expert Dominik Jung from the private weather service Q.met. The Austrian weather service GeoSphere Austria expects up to 50 centimeters of fresh snow. The snow scenario in Austria is more realistic: the Austrian weatherservice GeoSphereAustria expects. up to50 centimeters of new snow. For the Dutch weather service NWS, the weather forecast is: “Cold, snow and frost again.”