While the glassmaking gesture has just been included in the intangible heritage of humanity, crystal is becoming trendy again and is inviting itself to the table. Spotlight on a brilliant marriage of genres.

A big hard rock sound comes out of speakers attached here and there to metal pillars. A musical background chosen by the women and men who tame the molten glass in the hot workshop of the Saint-Louis crystal factory. And if the atmosphere is calmer in the cold workshop, where each piece is cut and engraved, the different generations also cooperate harmoniously. The average age in the production workshops is 38 years old. It's quite young. It is, in fact, fundamental to maintain a pyramid with a good balance, otherwise our know-how would be doomed to disappear. It’s not yet parity, but we’re moving forward.” The interest of blowers and cutters in manufacturing is a godsend because the order book is overflowing. A new oven will even be inaugurated in July to meet growing demand.