Shaghayegh Norouzi is one of the promoters of the Me Too movement in Iranian cinema. She publishes testimonies of women who have suffered sexual violence in her country.

She describes sexual violence, which she describes as systematic, by directors and other men on the crew. In 2019, she felt that he could no longer tolerate this climate of impunity, so he left his country and settled in Barcelona. Here she promoted, with some of her friends, an Instagram account, Me Too Movement Iran, in which they told their stories and encouraged people to do the same. Thousands of women began to tell their stories of abuse and rape, which were reproduced on the movement's Instagram and X accounts, revealing the names and surnames of the perpetrators. She says: "That first experience marked me deeply. In every project, there was always some man, usually the director, who abused me. It was very traumatic. I was in a state of shock." The actress said the Iranian regime has absolute control of the audiovisual sector. The men who work in that industry are, in some way, connected to the regime. Even if they do not see clearly what is happening, if they report it, they lose the possibility of working on filming. The atmosphere of silence in Iran is enormous. In Cannes or Hollywood, actresses can speak, but in Iran, it is very dangerous. We are not only exposed to losing our jobs but also to being arrested. The only thing that this body, dependent on the Ministry of Culture, is concerned with is that the scripts do not violate the rules of Islamic morality. The rest don't care. It was then that I saw clearly that I couldn't be an actress in Iran. I left, and the next day I had lost my job. After a few months, I landed in Barcelona, and now I'm living in Barcelona. I'm very happy to be back in the U.S. with my family.