A humpback whale has been spotted in the German Baltic Sea. The animal was first spotted off the coast of Sweden on April 1st.

On Wednesday it was spotted in a harbor in the Kiel Fjord near Kiel. The Baltic Sea is not a suitable environment for the animals. There is also concern that the whales will starve due to overfishing in theBaltic Sea. People should therefore try to keep their distance from the whales and minimize noise.. A second whale has also been seen in the Baltic Sea at the same time. The head of the NABU Baltic Sea Protection Office, Dagmar Struß, explained to the NDR: “We will be curious to see whether this second whale appears again somewhere” Several dead fire jellyfish were recently spotted on a Baltic Sea beach. Experts say warming seas are to blame for the jellyfish's appearance in the sea.. Despite the poor conditions, whales still occasionally get lost in the North and Baltic Seas. In 2014, for example, one or possibly two whales were spotted in Flensburg Fjords.