Since the budget freeze in November, there has been no calm in the funding landscape. Applications for funding are currently not being processed, and there is a break.

If you want to renovate, you shouldn't wait, says energy efficiency expert Alexander Bock. "You can submit applications, that's true, but then you first join a long queue that is processed chronologically," says Bock, who is from koVision, a German energy efficiency company. 'Before this new funding break, it took up to six weeks for the notification to arrive. Before the budget crisis, it took maybe two weeks,' says Bocking. 'Now the funding break is here. And now the money is running out,' he adds, 'and it's not going to last.' Energy advice is the first step on the way to transforming the entire house. Anyone who doesn't know where to start with the renovation needs advice and the iSFP. If this very central funding program is blocked, it will block the entire chain of actions that would follow it. Private customers who are currently unsettled and are able to carry out renovations without funding are now deciding to get started without a renovation timetable. This also applies to follow-up funding that private individuals without energy experts are not aware of. His appeal to private owners is now: Anyone who knows that he or she is planning to renovate this year should apply for funding. The expectation is that the decision will only be available in a few months - and then everything will really get rolling. "Anyone who waits now risks the queue becoming even longer," says Bock.