Argentina will sign the purchase contract for 24 American F-16 fighters in Copenhagen. The final decision has been geostrategic: the United States is interested in stopping the Chinese advance in Latin America.

Experts warn that a second contract pending signing with the U.S. is key: what will be the weapons system with which they will be equipped the airplanes. The total estimated cost is around $360 million, which Washington will partially finance. The planes will begin to arrive in the country in 2025, but experts warn that they represent an escalation of a war of escalation, at a time when the world is experiencing an escalation, they say. They are multipurpose aircraft, that is, they can carry out a wide range of tasks, from combat between aircraft to attacking ground targets. The F- 16 are fast, easy to maneuver and have been used by the air forces of almost thirty countries. The JF-17s have more modern technology and China was willing to deliver them with a range of more modern and longer-range weapons.