A new community archive is currently being built in Wackersberg. Anyone can take part in it.

The community wants to give its history a space. The oldest documents found date from 1732. Festschrifts, death pictures or plans are also welcome. The treasure trove of data can also be enriched if private individuals submit documents that they would like to keep to the archive for copying or for scanning and digitizing. It is a stroke of luck that we were able to gain a committed management team and equally energetic volunteers for this new municipal offer, says Sabine Rauchberger, the archivist in charge of the project. It's the first of its kind in Germany and will be open to the general public. It will be available to view – while respecting data protection, of course. But we would also be happy if we were offered something by people who themselves or in their family circles have collected historical material or found it in their estate. In any case, you shouldn't throw anything away if you don't have enough space at home to store it, because, for example Memory is being expanded.