Le Figaro looks at the profile of French employees paid the minimum wage. No employee of the Clermont-Ferrand group is paid minimum wage, which today amounts to 1766.92 euros gross per month (1398.70 euros net).

A policy that goes against the current trend of increasing the number of employees paid at the minimum wage level in France. Mostly women (1.8 million, or 57.3%), although they represent less than half ofFrench employees overall (45.2%) and who work more part-time. The SMIC was increased seven times from January 1, 2021 to May 1, 2023 with a cumulative increase of +13.5% in the last three years caused by inflation. The figures from Dares, the statistical department of the Ministry of Labor, show that on that date, 3.1 million private sector employees (excluding agriculture) were paid at the level of minimum wage in France (excluding Mayotte). Or 17.3% of employees.