With a view to survival, species have developed astonishing camouflages making them difficult for their predators to spot. Focus on 5 animal species that look like creatures made of glass or crystal.

The jellyfish can be seen in France during the summer. The glass frog refers not to one but to a multitude of amphibians with partially transparent bodies. The ghost shrimp is another astonishing species of transparent animal native to Thailand, but it can change color depending on what it eats. It is possible to very easily observe its black-edged vertebrae as well as its edges. It can also be seen with its umbrella (i.e. its head) to the end of its tentacles. It has the particularity of having an entirely translucent body, from its umbrella to its head. It also has a light shell that reveals all its organs, but the color of the shell can change depending on the food it is eating. It was originally intended to serve as camouflage. But today, this species no longer necessarily needs to hide because it is appreciated by aquarists.