Fritz Wepper was buried in Munich on April 10, 2024. However, a long-time friend was not allowed to attend the funeral service.

Barbara Engel (71), the ex-wife of Bernd Herzsprung (82), wanted to attend, but she was turned away at the entrance to the church. It is unclear why Engel was not on the guest list – she claims that she was invited. The funeral service at the Sacred Heart Church in Munich-Neuhausen was not without incident. There was chaos at the entrances. The “For Heaven's Sake” star was buried on Wednesday (April 10, 2016) and will be buried in the family grave. He will be reunited with his loved ones in Munich, where he was born and grew up. The service will be held in the church's auditorium, which is located in the heart of the city. For more information, visit