The church of the Madonna del Prato in Gubbio, Italy, has been the point of reference for an entire community for over three and a half centuries. Since 2016 it was unusable due to the earthquake but, thanks to the 8x1000 funds to the Catholic Church, the church has reopened its doors to the faithful.

“Churches and basilicas are true treasures to experience, symbols of the communion between God and man, going beyond the mere museum perception,” says Elisa Polidori, director of the cultural heritage office of the diocese of Gubbiio. The restoration work saw 32 workers at work who, with their work, restored the stucco, plaster and frescoed surface to its ancient splendor. The church is considered one of the most significant buildings in GUBBIO and is the fulcrum of the liturgical and pastoral life of the parish community. It was erected in 1662 at the behest of Bishop Alessandro Sperelli, on the land owned by the Nuns of Santo Spirito.