Too strong sanctions on the sustainability reports of large companies. This is what Abi, Ania, Assirevi, Assonime Confindustria, and the National Council of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts say.

They sent a joint letter to the MEF asking "that the sanctioning system, outlined in the draft decree for the implementation" of the European directive must be adequately re-proportioned. The letter expresses "strong concern for the extension of the sustainability information of the sanction system, of a predominantly criminal nature, applicable today to accounting information." The choice could penalize the competitiveness of the Italian system and incentivize the already worrying phenomenon of the transfer of the registered office to European countries characterized by less afflictive supervisory and enforcement systems, they say. "The sanction system must, in their opinion, be adequate re-proportioned, differentiating it from that currently applicable for budget reporting, also in line with what the other main European countries are defining.