The writer's gastronomy book gives priority to the recipe, ignores haute cuisine, and star chefs. The articles pay tribute to the much maligned genre of the recipe book, which is one of the most classic, ancient, and contrasted in our Greek culture.

Eating like the Greeks is, succinctly, cooking with your own hands and ingesting in tribal apotheosis what has been cooked. In these texts, the connection between the Martnez style and the food theme is substantial. Snobbery becomes endearing dissemination, and linguistic pyrotechnics become an endless spice rack that spiced up a subject that the journalist masters. He is someone who knows how to communicate in the language of food, which, like that of butterflies but for people subjected to the carnal spirituality of bacon. The writer's description of the grotesque years of the Catalan revolution is one of the most accurate to reality of all those that have been written in Spanish. He recommends that they read, without prejudice, the extraordinary series of gastronomic articles which began in 2021 and which he named.