Lucas Corvée and Ronan Labar find themselves 2nd in the men's doubles behind the Popov brothers in the Olympic race published Tuesday. The problem seems to come from a team competition in China which launched the OlympicRace a year ago.

The Popovs can say that Ronan and Lucas were boosted for a year by 400 points, that would not be illegitimate. And Ronan and Lucas could say that we made a competition strategy based on a distorted number of points so that distorted our competition strategy. It's so bullshit that no one reasoning will prevail. »“EVERYONE is going to be right SOMEWHERE” said the French Badminton Federation president, Jérémy Careil. The French pair were not warned of the error of the BWF (international federation); we only looked at the ranking on Tuesday. We are waiting for an explanation.