Putin wants to stimulate the Russian economy. However, the shortage of skilled workers remains a persistent problem.

Russia depends on immigration for economic and demographic reasons. After the attack on Moscow on March 22nd, which investigators say was carried out by four Tajiks, Russia apparently wants to rethink its migration policy. According to the independent Russian demographer Alexei Rakscha, Russia cannot do without so-called "migrant workers," primarily for economic reasons. Most of them come from Central Asia and move to Russia to work, where they hope for better job opportunities than in their home countries. In other cities, security forces began checking people with "eastern appearance" shortly after the attack. In addition, hatred grew in Russia, particularly towards Central Asian migrant workers. Those affected received death threats, verbal attacks, and discrimination. Almost three quarters of all requests from foreigners in Russia since the March 22 terrorist attack related to illegal arrests. Many migrants are being arbitrarily deported, she added.