The Archdiocese of Munich and Freising wants to give pastoral care more impetus. The Erding and Dorfen deaneries were merged at the beginning of the year.

There are currently around 71,000 Catholics in the Erding district who receive pastoral care in 43 parishes and eight branches. “We want to bring specific people in specific situations together with the Gospel," says Maria Gleißl, who is responsible for pastoral care for the sick in the district. “Our watchword is the best possible pastoral care,’ says Dean Martin Ringhof. Youth, senior citizens, and sick pastoral care relies on committed volunteers, says Ringhof, who was introduced into office by Cardinal Reinhard Marx at the Beginning of the Year. The new structures were presented to the parish councilors from the district at the spring general meeting on Tuesday in the Schwindkirchen parish hall. The focus is on networking and pooling resources, says the Catholic priest, who believes finances and personnel will decline massively in the coming years.