A video shared by dog owner Linette under @lingonza on TikTok is currently captivating many animal lovers. The young woman works in a veterinary clinic.

When she comes home after work, her two dogs occupy her and sniff her extensively from head to toe. Dogs have a much larger number of olfactory cells in their noses than humans. With their supernoses, dogs smell about 10,000 times better than us. They also have special anatomical features that enhance their sense of smell, such as the ability to inhale and exhale air through their nostrils separately to better detect smells. Their noses also have a variety of practical applications in areas such as search and rescue, drug detection, and medical diagnosis. You can find even more exciting animal topics in the free partner newsletter from Landtiere.de, which you can subscribe to right here.. A woman comes home from her work at a Veterinary clinic. She is then thoroughly examined by her dogs. A little tip: It's best to watch the clip with sound.