The Ice Saints are known by very different names: Strict Lords, Ice Men, May Frosts. The Ice Saints begin on May 11th and end on May 15th every year.

Depending on the region, different weather phenomena may occur on individual days. The probability of ground frost in mid-May is almost zero if you look at the weather data from the last few decades. So if you want to be absolutely sure that your plants will survive into the summer or longer, you should wait until afterMay 15th to plant them, according to the farmer's rule. The 100-year calendar also predicts the weather for 2024 from centuries of weather data. If you trust his forecast, we will apparently be spared the May frost in 2024. If summer suddenly breaks out after the cold, you can protect your plants from the heat, as LUDWIGSHAFEN24 knows. The various farming rules for the Ice Saints resulted from generations of weather observations and were probably important for survival in the past, especially for sowing.