France Inter continues to widen the gap with its competitors and sets a new record at 7.18 million listeners per day. France Bleu is progressing (2.775 million listeners, +45,000 in one year), as is France Culture.

But, despite the busy international news, Franceinfo is in decline with 4.761 million listeners. Europe 1, controlled by the conservative billionaire Vincent Bolloré, continues to recover, experiencing its third consecutive quarterly increase. Radio nibbles 0.4 points to 4.3% audience share. On average, Europe 1 attracts 2.387 million daily listeners (+223,000 over a year), according to figures from Médiamétrie. The CEO of Radio France Sibyle Veil praised the performance of all the public group's radio stations: "The French favor media that seek to provide quality in all areas of information as well as culture.''' Our listeners are sending us the message to continue not to give in to the buzz and the caricatures,' she declared.