A supermarket in Cologne is restricting payments with 500 euro notes. This has now sparked lively discussions on the Reddit platform – and ironic comments.

Since its appearance three days ago, it has been responded to with thumbs up almost 450 times and has also been commented on over a hundred times. Some Reddit users defended the Cologne Edeka Center notice. The production and issuance of 500 euro banknotes will be stopped towards the end of 2018, the Council of the European Central Bank (ECB) decided on May 4, 2016. The post caused a stir on Reddit, with many users pointing out that €500 bills are “no longer printed at all” for a reason, as well as calling people “stupid” and “foolish.’ The post was shared by Reddit user Cologne Edeka,’ who also used the hashtag #ButpleaseLaminated and shared a photo of the sign in question.