A Swiss man finds a piece of plastic in his frozen burger. He has already swallowed another one.

He is disappointed by the supermarket's reaction. Foreign bodies or even uninvited living guests can get lost in food and initially reach the store unnoticed. If the object gets stuck in the esophagus, a dangerous swallowing disorder (dysphagia) could result, which persists even after the object reaches the stomach. Depending on where the foreign body gets stuck, pain, nausea, and vomiting may occur. If a sharp object punctures the esophage, stomach, or intestines, life-threatening inflammation or internal bleeding could occur. The man doesn't even want to imagine that his son could have gotten the contaminated burger. "I expected a little more from a million-dollar company," says the man, who paid almost ten francs for the patties from the supermarket giant Migros' own brand. The incident happened in the town of Aarau in Switzerland.