AI models are getting better and better at creating deceptively real images, videos, and deepfakes. As a result, the risk of disinformation also increases.

Of 260 participants, only 61 percent could tell the difference between AI-generated and real people. With the “right” commands, all of them could be persuaded to generate deceptive images. Here are some tips to help you better recognize AI-generated images..AI-generated images could influence upcoming elections in 24 hours. How can fake images be identified? An expert gives tips. The European elections will take place in June, Saxony, Thuringia, and Brandenburg will elect a new state parliament in September. The United States will most likely have to decide between Donald Trump and Joe Biden as the next US president in November. When asked by CNN, Professor Marco Huber, AI expert and head of the image and signal processing department at the Fraunhofer Institute in Stuttgart, said: "I don't think it's a problem." The computer magazine PCMag also advises you to zoom in on images as closely as possible. Scattered pixels, strange outlines, misplaced shapes, and blurry backgrounds can provide clues to an AI-generated image. On sites like “Which Face Is Real” you can directly test the knowledge you have learned. The tools “AI or Not” and “Hive Moderation” are intended to help identify images created using artificial intelligence. The FakeCatcher from chip manufacturer Intel can also allegedly detect deepfakes with 96 percent accuracy. But be careful: these tools are not always correct either. A certain degree of skepticism and a careful eye on suspicious images remain essential. If you are still unsure, there are now AI-controlled tools that are designed to recognize AI-generated images. They can be found at the following sites: AI or Not, Hive Moderation, and PCMag Mag Mag Mag Mag Mag Mag Mag Mag Mag. They are available in English, Spanish, German, French, and Italian.