Asparagus is the most sought-after seasonal vegetable from April to June. 1.6 kilograms of fresh asparagus were consumed per capita in Germany in 2021/2022.

An inn in Meckel (Rhineland-Palatinate) attracted attention online with its as paragus menu. Several commenters had to defend the restaurant from negative comments. The restaurant responds to the outrage with a detailed explanation of how the prices are determined. The inns are there for people who want to spend a few sociable hours with friends without any preparatory work. Nobody is forced to enter an inn. But hitting hard-working innkeepers and complaining is always possible. The purchase price for asparagus is traditionally highest in April. According to the Federal Statistical Office, 34.6 percent more in April than in May according to the Agrarmarkt. Producers expect similar prices for similar goods in 2024 ( According to, regional asparagu, like first-choice regional as choice from the restaurant menu currently costs around 19.90 euros/kg.