The documentary by José Luis López-Linarez is built on the ideological foundations created in its day by the Franco regime. The author starts with the need to combat the image of the conquest of an idyllic pre-Hispanic society by barbaric Spaniards, the sword in one hand and the cross in the other.

The allusion to the benefits of Catholicism permeates practically the entire discourse to hyperbolic extremes. The film is sponsored by the Community of Madrid, the San Pablo-CEU University, and other institutions, and is directed by Ló Lopez-Linarez. It is a defense of Spain against the supposed “black legend” of the Spanish conquistadors in America. There are more theses contrary to any modern research on the issue. The chronicle of the conquest omits the misdeeds committed by Vasco Nez de Balboa. In the same way, although the Aztecs were always at war, there is no mention of the civil confrontations between Spaniards. More important is the lack of mention. of the economic and social system implemented by the Spanish, of their ecological imperialism. to the subjection and submission of the Indians to foreign authorities and to foreign cultural and religious guidelines. to their traditional ones. The presentation of the liberator Simón Bolvar, which could not be more confusing, includes a frame from our time, on a poster where he is shown on the same level as President Hugo Chávez, which does not seem coincidental to those who, like the old Detectives, hate coincidences. But we can stop here. The bad thing is that what the speech shows has as much meaning as what it hides.