With inflation of 90.2%, among the basic foods that increased the most are milk, bread, flour, onion and lettuce. Of household items, the most notable increases are recorded in disposable diapers, bleach, detergent, shampoo and toilet soap.

On a list of 59 items, 16 increased more than 150%, 19 between 100 and 150%, another 21 between 50 and 100% and just 3 up to 50%. The products that rose the most less than 50% are sweet potato, water, crackers, bread and flour. The most notable products that increased less than 100% are sugar, sweet potato and crackers. The items that rose more than 200% are eggs, milk, wheat flour, tomato, onion, flour and bread, among others. The average price of a loaf of bread rose from $2.181 to $2,181 in November, and fresh milk from $10 to $1,210 per liter in March. The cost of a cup of coffee increased from $1.99 to $3.02.