Pierre Zakrzewski, a 55-year-old cameraman, was killed in Horenka, northwest of the capital Kyiv, with a Ukrainian woman who accompanied him. Their vehicle had been the target of gunfire, Fox News Media reported at the time.

According to the first elements collected in the months following the events, the journalist was directly targeted by the shots. The National Anti-Terrorism Prosecutor's Office (PNAT) opened an investigation in March 2022 for war crimes, in this case "willful attack on the life of a person protected by international law" and "deliberate attack against a civilian who is not directly participating in hostilities." A judicial source indicated to AFP on Wednesday that a judicial investigation for war Crimes against X had been opened on April 5 and entrusted to investigating judges. The investigations, carried out by the Central Office for the Fight against Crimes Against Humanity, Genocides, and War Crimes, aim to identify the perpetrators of the shooting and determine the circumstances of this attack.