Several birds, belonging to protected species, were discovered in an apartment in Toulouse, Friday April 12, during an op to dismantle drug trafficking. Among the birds found was “a specimen of sun conure, ringed and reported stolen”, specifies the prosecution.

A species considered “in danger of extinction” by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) on the red list of threatened species. The possession and marketing of protected species are offenses punishable by three years in prison and a fine of 150,000 euros. The birds were seized and entrusted to the French Biodiversity Office (OFB) to be examined and identified. The accused was released pending "the conclusions of the OFB and the hearing of the victim of the theft of the sun Conure", specified the Toulousain public prosecutor's office, which opened an investigation to determine the conditions for acquiring these protected animals. The father, who admitted possession of the birds, was arrested and placed in police custody.