For some car owners, cleaning their vehicles is not an unusual event, but an almost regular habit. The dedicated cleaning industry is not a bunch of charlatans from the fuel additive industry.

Vinegar is a powerful cleaning agent, both on its own and in combination with baking soda. Medical alcohol can do a great job on tree resin, municipal election headquarters and donations to Rachel's Tomb. For places and grooves that cannot be reached with a cloth, use an earpick or a paper towel to remove the dirt and grime from the inside of the car. It is possible to eliminate this event through the use of vinegar and baking soda, but it is not possible to completely eliminate it through use of alcohol or other cleaning agents. For the last two the baseball goddess will help, but hey, for the tree resin medical alcohol canDo you have any tips for cleaning your car? Share them in the comments section below or email them to