The second Guzmán, Abimael, died in 2021 in the maximum security prison in Callao, in Peru, where he had founded the Shining Path guerrilla group. Abel is a hairdresser who worked as a colorist in a beauty salon in Recoleta.

He fled a month ago, and no one can find him. His photo arrived at the Interpol site where the most dangerous terrorists in the world are. The Argentine justice system has just issued an international arrest warrant to try to catch him. He is ours. Just like Abel Guzmán. The Shining Path attacked Peruvian military and police officers as well as civilians, government employees of any rank, workers who did not adhere to the strikes decreed by the terrorists, and peasants who only went to vote when they wanted to. He said that those victims were traitors who, by voting, collaborated with democracy and, therefore, with the government. That's why they killed them. He was finally caught in 1992 and sentenced to life.