Ten of 13 district councilors voted in favor of the connection last week. All requirements for funding are met - which means the costs for the district are significantly lower.

However, the weakening of the existing LVG bus routes 91 (Finning/Windach/Geltendorf), 40 (Landsberg/Schondorf/inning) and 41 (Inning/Landedberg/G Beltendorf) is negative. The travel time from Geltendorf to Oberpfaffenhofen is still quite long at 52 minutes (from Windach 37 minutes). Almost 90 percent of those surveyed - those who work at the Oberpfaffenhofen special airport - are in favor of expanding the express bus line to Geltendorf. But the survey cannot tell how many people come, as it can't tell how long the line will be in use. The district has assured that feedback by the summer would be sufficient for a decision to be made by the end of the year.