Time spent raising children can be counted towards pensions. A father has sued the Federal Social Court - he feels discriminated against in the allocation of times.

In case of doubt, the child-rearing times would have to be divided equally. But the court decided that fathers are not discriminated against when allocating child-rearing time for the pension. The BSG announced that there is no unconstitutional discrimination against men in the fact that, in cases of doubt, child-rearing times and periods taken into account for raising children are recognized in the statutory pension insurance for the mother. According to the current rules, parents can decide together to whom the pension insurance should credit. (Af. B 5 R 10/23 R)You can download our pension guide for free here. The more you have worked and earned money, the more payments you will receive from the statutory pension insurance in old age. However, other factors such as time spent raising children also contribute to what statutory pension payments may look like in old age.