Sergio Mattarella appears increasingly worried about the multiplying outbreaks of war. Once again, he is working to encourage Europe to wake up.

The head of state spoke about it in Bulgaria, one of the states on the eastern border of the Union that is most worried about Russian threats. Mattarella offers a strong example by comparing the EU to the Atlantic Alliance. He also opened up to the new European Pact on migrants, which effectively surpasses the Dublin agreement - the latest version was signed way back in 2013 - but which had sparked so much controversy in Brussels with various parties which, despite sometimes opposing, voted against the text. He reiterated how important it is for the European Union to move forward in the integration process but also went into detail by talking about an emerging theme that former Prime Minister Draghi talked about:'more competitiveness is a better future for young people.' The president also spoke about migratory flows, which are also of great concern to Bulgaria and opens the door to greater collaboration between European countries to tackle a growing phenomenon.