Thomas Ravier was hired in the green spaces services of the town hall of the 13th and 14th arrondissements of Marseille, from August 2015. The mayor at the time, Stéphane Ravier, elected a year earlier, is none other than his father.

There was no job description published to integrate, as he managed to do, the proximity intervention brigade, a creation of his father to clean up the public space and collect waste. The question is at the heart of the accusations against the senator, prosecuted for illegal taking of interest, and his son for concealment of illegal taking of interest. He says he was looking for work. It was the only chance I had left. I submitted my CV. I was called back to do an interview with my team leader. And there you go. ” No, never. ” insists Thomas Ravier. "Frankly, with my father, we don't see each other much. And we don't call each other much." Stéphane Ravier says he could have chosen his son for a much more advantageous remuneration. Thomas Ravier was appointed to the town hall of the 13th and 14th arrondissements by Jean-Claude Gaudin at the start of 2020. The central town hall is, in fact, the competent authority to validate hiring after having been contacted by the sector town halls on this subject. The operation in terms of recruitment is open to criticism and officially criticized. It's unfortunate, but it's almost a tradition in the city of Marseille. It concerns Thomas as it concerned others before him and after him. He could be held responsible for it, and I could be held responsible for it. » THE RAVIERS CHARGE GAUDIN: The Story of the French Parliament's 'Raviera' (The Voice of the Republic) is published by Biteback, a division of Macmillan, on Thursday, November 14, at 10.30pm.