In 2022, then, ISTAT notes, "the exhibition structures open to the public (museums, monuments, archaeological sites) are 1.46 per 100 km2" Lazio (6.13), followed at a long distance by Campania and Tuscany (between 3 and 3.50), Veneto and Lombardy (between 1.50 and 2, respectively). However, "in most regions the values are still lower than those of 2019, with significant advances only in Valle d'Aosta/Vallée d'Aoste, Umbria and Abruzzo (over 20% in plus)" Marche, Puglia, and Basilicata appear, however, to be the regions furthest from full recovery of 2019 levels (pre-pandemic), we finally read.

In 2023, our Peninsula "confirms its primacy in the UNESCO world heritage list (the United Nations agency that contributes to the building of peace) with 59 assets registered and 32 candidates for registration.