Giorgetti invited the Ukrainian Finance Minister Sergii Marcenko, present at the meeting, also to the financial G7 which will be held in Stresa from 23 to 25 May. The G7 remains "committed to supporting" Ukraine and will continue "to work on all possible avenues in which Russia's frozen assets could be used to support" Kiev "in line with international law and our respective systems legal.

The issue of frozen Russian assets - said Gior getti - sees the Italian presidency grappling with a "very delicate task," adds a note from the G7. The meeting took place within the framework of the International Monetary Fund meetings, which will take place from 23-25 May in Washington, D.C. and in London, from 26-28 May in New York, from 28-29 May in Lausanne, Switzerland, and in Geneva, from 30-31 May in Switzerland.