There is a dispute raging over the question of the broadcasting fee. The public broadcasters complain about financing problems.

According to a media report, Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk is even threatened with bankruptcy. The million-dollar hole may be even larger if the hoped-for increase in broadcasting fees does not come from 2025. Just this week, Saxony's media minister Oliver Schenk (CDU) confirmed that the broadcasting fee would not increase on January 1st - but, in his opinion, on January 1st, 2027 at the earliest. This raises the question. of whether the MDR will actually go bankrupt. The debate about the amount of the broadcasting fee has been controversial for months. The director of MDR, Ralf Ludwig, said that the station would be missing a good 160 million euros by 2028. The CDU politician also said at the media congress that a new contribution would 'probably' be set from January 1, 2027.