The search for the four missing people from the Suviana power station resumed at eight in the evening. The spotlight was also focused on the situation of the subcontracts that revolved around the works involving the construction site.

The Emilia-Romagna Region and Enel Green Power have activated psychological support for the victims' relatives. "We are not working with much hope of finding the missing alive, the scenario before us does not give us this idea", Luca Cari, communication manager of the Fire Brigade, had already said early in the morning. But the CGIL of Bologna, with its secretary Michele Bulgarelli, goes on the attack: "We don't know which companies employed the external workers, it's serious." Even the president of the Emilia Romagna Region, Stefano Bonaccini, notes: "I certainly see even even from the railways to this affair, I think some more attention should be paid to the affair", he says. The Democratic Party secretary Elly Schlein: "Another massacre of workers, we can no longer accept this happening"